Thursday 16 May 2013

Put Twitter in your Mac's menu bar with BirdDrop

Put Twitter in your Mac's menu bar with BirdDrop

 The little birdie by accessing only the mobile version of Twitter on your Mac with BirdDrop. Then again, perhaps having one-click access to any form of Twitter from your Mac's menu bar will only increase the time you spend on Twitter. How you use it is up to you. I'm here only to inform you of the app's existence and how it works.
BirdDrop is a free app that installs a Twitter button in your Mac's menu bar. After logging into Twitter through the app, you'll have quick access to Twitter's mobile client. With the app, you are able to view your Twitter timeline, compose tweets, retweet, respond to tweets, search, and more.

Clicking on a link in a BirdDrop opens the link in the app itself. Most of the time the page formatted correctly in the app, but not all the time. For example, reading a Bon Appetit article required some sideways scrolling.

If you like the idea of accessing social networks from your Mac's menu bar, MenuTab for Facebook may be of interest.
